
Black Satin Doublet

Key Features: Black Satin Jerkin with lacquered Gargoyle detailing
Material: Black satin with boning and canvas lining
Design: Inspired by the 17th Century ‘Jerkin & Doublet’ cut.
Size: Size mens M/L
Colour: Black

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A doublet refers to a form-fitting jacket tailored to a man’s physique. Originating in Spain, it became popular across Western Europe from the late Middle Ages through the 17th century. Initially, the doublet served as an undergarment, typically worn beneath outer layers such as gowns, mantles, or houppelandes during public appearances until the late 15th century. By the 16th century, it became customary to wear a jerkin over the doublet. Women also adopted doublets during the 16th century, with these garments evolving into corsets and stays over time. Doublets varied in length, ranging from thigh-length to waist-length, and were typically worn atop a shirt or drawers.